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Nov 24, 2021
In Special Stories
看到上面金義民的老照片,真是不勝稀噓.我們化學系的男生, 一向人丁稀散 畢業時只有八九個。 現在祇剩下四五個了!而且各奔東西, 畢業五十四年,超過三四個共聚的時光,祇怕就是在這幾張照片裏了! 張一岑的追思文章,真切描述了當年宗實的生氣蓬勃的影象。他待人謙和,說話聲音清朗,我記得大一英文班有班際詩歌朗誦比賽,英文老師 Mr. Duglass(?) Spearman 選他唸獨誦部份。”Half a league, half a league!.…… “ 他唸得叫人熱血奔騰,我們果然得了第一名。我遣憾沒聴過他的証道,但想來一定中氣十足 言詞鏗鏘,懇切感人的。 我退休後,我們往來多了些,我們曾在New Jersey 張懷蘋, 陳瑾華家小聚,這位已是美東深受眾多教友愛戴的許牧師,在老同學中,還是少年情懐, 認真討論如何拿糯米做甜灑釀, 張懐蘋立時打長途電話給于寧的嫂嫂要秘方.。幾年後我去他家,他真的拿出自釀很成功的酒饟待客. 我們當年也拿了酒饟秘方, 現在己不知放在哪裏. 老同學回憶同窗往事時, 宗實常說他在學校沒有好好讀書, 反而為了尋找自己, 讀的, 交談的都是與本科無關的閒書. 的確是這樣, 在那個[強説愁]的年紀裏, 宿舍裏流傳的, 儘是[齊克果], [野鴿子的黃昏], [傳統下的獨白], 和[皇冠] 這類當時所謂[頹廢文學]. 但許宗實並沒有因此 [頹廢], 其實他唸本科, 作實驗都是很認真的, 只是課餘還有精力作閒事罷了. 説到[尋找自己], 我覺得他的確比班上別的同學有定力. 大學時我曾去過他在台北信義路的家, 見到許伯伯,聆聽他對我們年輕人的期許, 侃侃而談, 意氣飛揚. 這樣父親的兒子,是不會在[尋找自己]的道路上迷途的. 他在大學就去書法社學習書法, 後來他勤學不懈, 終成一家. 我們在他家裏, 他見林慈有興趣, 立時分享心得, 從白天談到晚上. 從名家的筆意到他自己的得意作品, 一張張仔細欣賞把玩, 還不時拿出筆墨示範,滔滔不絕, 説者忘情, 聴者傾心 ,我不懂書法,在旁邊看了也感動. 後來他還給林慈介紹一位書法家做個別指導, 這位書法家是個文林隱士, 還真虧他的引見, 林慈終於有機會在書法上更上一層樓. 大牧師在老同學之間, 如果大家不説, 他不會主動傳教. 但是有幾次我聴他講在他父親晚年, 他勸說許伯伯接受信仰的經過, 父子之間的親情流露,不論是否基督徒 聴了都會感動. 我很遺憾沒有機會問他決定終身奉獻的經過. 有一年他和陳美津, 金義民, 張懷蘋和我夫婦一起去探望 住在Raleigh, North Carolina 的許哲雄, 那是最後一次, 化十有超過四個班友的聚會了. 那天晚上, 他除了晚餐時主領禱告外,和我們一起回到記憶裏的理學院實驗室, 為了[有機合成]實驗的成敗, 或是欣喜或是沮喪. 大家都穿著一件給酸鹼浸蝕, 已成千孔百瘡,又酸又臭的實驗衣. 那個時節, 有誰[尋到自已]了? 我們大部分人, 隋著聯考志願和分數的分配, 就此接受半志願半命運的安排. 所以我欽佩他的毅力, 在化學上學有專長之後, 又重新啓程,走向他明確認定的, 嶄新的人生目標. 誠如張一岑所文, 他是校友典範, 同窗四年, 與有榮焉. 鈕廷肯 Nov. 2021
Nov 21, 2021
In Special Stories
I am Theresa, Molica’s sister. I would like to share some interesting events with Fred. In early 1980 , my husband and I were invited to teach in China for three weeks. We could not travel with our small children, so Fred and Molica without hesitation agreed to bring them and their two boys to Taiwan, so my parents could help looking after them. At the time my younger son and Kiley were under two years old, my older son and Kevin were about five. Any sane people would not agree to take the journey from New York to Taipei with four small boys. When we arrived Taipei after our teaching tour, I asked Fred how was the trip, he simply replied “no problem, everything went smoothly, then he continued to say that the stewardess told him that she would not get married, if she got married, she would not have children. Sure Fred, what a bumpy trip, but you took it out of your compassion and loving care for your family and extended families and friends.
The recent encounter that I have with Fred was in September of 2020. In April 2020, mom passed away at age 100. We could not attend the funeral due to COVID, so Fred, Molica and I decided to go back last September to take care mom’s stuff and got her condo ready for sale. During the first two weeks of quarantine, every morning, Fred would serve us his famous, meticulously brewed coffees, he even brought the coffee beans from the States. Each day, Fred and Molica would have several zoom meetings of worship and prayers with the homecoming group. In his leisure time, he would practice his calligraphy. Most of the time he would help cleaning, went through all the drawers and cabinets, he called this “treasure hunt project”. Then he would categorize and lay out items in the counters. At the end of quarantine, we would call our relatives and friend to come picking up their treasures in memory of our parents. That was the most memorable month that I spent with Fred. He would share his missions and visions of homecoming program. His character has impact me greatly, he uses his life to change and mold other’s life. Indeed, dear brother, you have fought a good fight, kept a good faith, we will follow your footsteps and legacy to accomplish your unfinished works on earth. Rest In Peace, we will meet again in heaven!
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